Got sole?
If like me, you have managed to walk the soles right off your shoes, don't despair and most definitely do not toss them out. Just get them repaired!
Sadly I haven't had a shoe budget in a long, loooong while. (Heart breaking for a gal like me.) Never the less, I've managed to keep my feeties fashionable thanks to my local cobbler. For less than $10 dollars a pair he will make a shluppy pair of pumps nearly brand new. Considering what a new pair of shoes costs this is a heck of a deal!
Naturally not every pair is salvageable so here are some recommendations:
-When you do get new shoes, look for higher quality. (On a deep discount, of course.) They are made so they can be repaired.
-Keep your kicks clean. Polish after every few wears with shoe cleaner, polish or leather cleaner...
-Rotate your kicks. This will allow the shoe to "recover" between wears. You feet will thank you too!
-Repair sooner than later. Any shoes can be worn beyond repair. Likewise many shoes can be worn well beyond their average life with a little tlc.
You'll like like a million and now one will know you spent just pennies.

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